Results from Extraordinary General Meeting

Results from Extraordinary General Meeting

Company Announcements
Australian Securities Exchange
20 Bridge Street
Dear Sir / Madam

Results of Extraordinary General Meeting

ThinkSmart Limited (“ThinkSmart”) advises that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of ThinkSmart held today, the resolutions to approve the proposed:

1. Placement to Henderson Global Investors Plc / Alphagen Capital Fund
2. Buy-back Tender
3. Delisting from ASX
4. Amendments to Constitution
5. Change to Testing Date of Options, and
6. Change of Testing Date to Loan Funded Shares
included in the Notice of Meeting dated 30 August 2016 were passed on a poll in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.

In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act, attached are details of the proxies lodged and poll results for the resolution.

Yours faithfully

Neil Hackett
Company Secretary
ThinkSmart Limited

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