Investor News

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that the Cash Consideration has today been paid to shareholders on the terms set out in the Scheme Booklet dated 24 October 2022. If shareholders have any queries regarding the payment of the Cash Consideration...

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that the net sale proceeds, from the sale of the Block Sale Shares on the NYSE on 5 December 2022, has today been converted to Pounds Sterling (at 1.226 USD: 1 GBP) and Australian Dollars (at...

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that, following the sale of the 468,667 Block Sale Shares on the NYSE on 5 December 2022, the Company has today received the sale proceeds net of sale fees and bank transfer charges as follows (all...

ThinkSmart Limited ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement between ThinkSmart and its shareholders on Friday 2 December 2022, the Company has today sold the 468,667 Block Sale Shares on the NYSE for an average of...

Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Sir / Madam Results of 2016 Annual General Meeting ThinkSmart Limited (“ThinkSmart”) is pleased to announce that, in accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and Section 251AA of the Corporations Act, the attached Results of the 2016 Annual General Meeting of shareholders. Resolutions...

ThinkSmart Completes Off-Market Buy-Back Tender in Full 7 November 2016 ThinkSmart Limited (ThinkSmart or the Company) today announces that it has successfully completed the off-market buy-back of ordinary fully paid shares in ThinkSmart (Shares) that was announced on 30 August 2016 and approved by shareholders at an...

21 October 2016 Market Announcements Office ASX Limited 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Sir/Madam Letter to Shareholders regarding Delisting from ASX and Admission to AIM Following shareholder approval at its Extraordinary General Meeting on 29 September 2016, ThinkSmart Limited (ThinkSmart) has today applied to ASX for formal consent to its removal...

The Manager ASX Market Announcements Office ASX Limited NOTICE UNDER SECTION 708(5)(e) of CORPORATIONS ACT ThinkSmart Limited (ASX: TSM) (ThinkSmart) gives notice under section 708(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) that: (a) ThinkSmart has today issued 20,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares pursuant to placement announced on 26...

ThinkSmart Limited (ASX: TSM) (“the Company”) advises that Mr David Griffiths, who has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since November 2000, has retired from the Board. The Board and management acknowledge and thank David for his outstanding and considerable contribution and...

Change of Financial Year End ThinkSmart Limited (ASX:TSM) (Company) wishes to announce that, as part of the rationalization of its business, the Board of directors (Board) has resolved to change the Company’s financial year end date from 31 December to 30 June. Previously, the...