Author: ThinkSmart

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that the Cash Consideration has today been paid to shareholders on the terms set out in the Scheme Booklet dated 24 October 2022. If shareholders have any queries regarding the payment of the Cash Consideration...

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that the net sale proceeds, from the sale of the Block Sale Shares on the NYSE on 5 December 2022, has today been converted to Pounds Sterling (at 1.226 USD: 1 GBP) and Australian Dollars (at...

ThinkSmart ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that, following the sale of the 468,667 Block Sale Shares on the NYSE on 5 December 2022, the Company has today received the sale proceeds net of sale fees and bank transfer charges as follows (all...

ThinkSmart Limited ("ThinkSmart" or the "Company") (formerly AIM: TSL) announces that, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement between ThinkSmart and its shareholders on Friday 2 December 2022, the Company has today sold the 468,667 Block Sale Shares on the NYSE for an average of...